Add Mice into Cage
To set up a cage, you need to add mouse records into the cage. You can transfer existing or add new mouse records on "Cage" window.
"Transfer mice" means changing the cage information of existing moues records. It is different from "Add new mice" which adds new moue records into the database.
See Transfer mice on how to transfer mice into or out of a cage.
To add new mouse records on "Cage" window:
1. Open the census of the rackside where the target cage locates by double click the rackside node in the "Mouse Room Explorer".
2. Click to open the "Cage" window.
From litter:
Enter "*" in the tag box to search for all the unweaned live females, or enter a female tag number to search for unweaned or weaned (if "Search Weaned" is checked.) breeding records associated with the female. "Set Genotype as" check box will be shown if male and female have the same genotype. Select "Update Breeding Status to Weaned" to update the breeding status. Click "OK" to add the mouse records into the cage.
Direct input: Show the Mouse detail standard window.